Transmissions Quilts

Donation Information

This project hires 10 trans artists to collaborate on each quilt. Our project goal is to make 20 quilts over the next two years. We work with interviewers, audio editors, commissioned artists and textile designers and quilters. We also pay a team of trans and queer community advisors who help envision the project on a broad scale. That is to say, these quilts cost money, and if you’re someone with access to that resource, we’d love your support.

80% of the total project budget goes directly to trans artists with the remaining portion allocated for materials.


This project is 501c3 fiscally sponsored by Kala Institute. This allows us to receive tax-deductible gifts. It also means we can accept money from corporate matches, family foundations, certain grants, etc. If you work at a job with corporate match benefits, please reach out! And thank you to Kala for that support.

Please note: if you donate through Kala, 10% of your donation will be taken away for administrative fees. If you’re able to donate directly through check or venmo, we will get 100% of the funds. Please message if you’d like to support but need to do so through some other channel.